TC Bros. Featured Customer Ride - Tim Buchholtz

TC Bros. Customer Rides – a series dedicated to the fabrication ingenuity and creativity of our customers and featuring their rides they've shared with us.
Sent to us from Tim Buchholtz of Dubuque, Iowa.
In his own words:
1974 Honda CB360T. This is the first bike I have built from a complete teardown. The back end was hardtailed using the TC Bros. Universal Hardtail kit. The solo seat mounts are from TC Bros. The gas tank is a Narrow Sporty also from TC Bros. The bars and controls are Harley. The bike is kick-only as the starter was removed. I am a mechanical designer so I designed a lot of the custom brackets, the chain tensioner and battery box in SolidWorks before having it laser-cut.
I built/designed the entire electrical harness and covered each wire with paracord for a vintage look. The fender is a spare tire cover from a 1937 Ford. The gas tank and fender are powder-coated "Moondust Orange". The only thing that is stock on the bike is the front half of the frame, engine internals, forks and wheels! - everything else was one-off custom or retrofitted to the bike!
I have learned a great deal about this machine and carbs (first carb'd bike) having taken them apart about 20 times adjusting them! I have included a picture of how I got the bike for a purchase of 1 beer! I did as much as possible on this build, the only thing I did not do was the welding of the hardtail frame. I designed the frame layout - but a skill I did not feel completely comfortable with at the time - a skill I want to learn for the next build!!
I look forward to riding the piss out of it!! I plan to pinstripe the tank and fenders soon - as I am trying to teach myself how to pinstripe!
~ Tim
On behalf of TC Bros. Nation… Thank you, Tim!!!
~ Tyler and Tim
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Send us an email to with some GREAT pics of your masterpiece. [NOTE: >>> the higher quality of the image resolution, the better your bike will look!] Thx.
Please include:
1. Your name, hometown and email address.
2. Make, model, year - technical details and specs.
3. What TC Bros. parts you used.
4. Any and all personal notes about yourself and the build that you feel will add to the enjoyment and experience. Where you grew up, who introduced you to and how you got into motos, your first bike, your inspirations, your favorite ride in your neck of the woods and why… interesting personal thoughts and feelings you experienced during the build, etc., etc. - Essentially a slice of your world. You get the idea… have fun with it!!!
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